Welding Fume Extractor Filters

Welding Fume Extractor Filters Filters are a crucial part of every welding fume extractor . They entrap airborne particles that your welding fume extractor has managed to capture. Fume extractors frequently include many filters in order to filter out as many contaminants as possible because many welding and grinding procedures today use materials that are carcinogenic. We will look at the many types of filters that are frequently used in welding fume extractors in this blog. Types of filters Understanding the many types of filters that may be included in a fume extractor is essential to ensuring that the equipment is maintained correctly. Pre-filter: Before they enter the “paper” (a fibre weave) medium, bigger particles are caught by the pre-filter. Main filter: These are used to catch the majority of dust particles from metalworking operations like grinding or welding. After filter: The after filter is intended to catch very minute particle after the fumes pass the main fi...